Parent’s Chat & Share Virtual Get-Together 5/13
Join Joanne and Janice Wednesday May 13th from 4 pm - 5 pm for a one hour social get together! Our goal is that this meet-up will be supportive and fun, informal and interactive. We hope you will share what's working (or not), how you are having fun (or not) and whatever else is on […]
“Virtual” Sibshop Saturday 5/16
Sibs, get ready to show your stuff! For our May SibShop, we'll be having a virtual Talent Show. Sibs can show their talents live through the Zoom meeting, or videotape/photograph their talent and Molly will share it on your behalf. After the show, we'll have a SibChat, followed by an (optional) opportunity to introduce your […]
Canceled to be rescheduled: Smilie Elementary School puppet presentation
Generously funded by the Vermont Department of Mental Health 8:30-9:15 Feelings for Grades PreK-K 9:25-10:15 Feelings & Bullying Prevention for Grades 3-4 10:25-11:15 Anxiety for Grades K-2 12:15-1:05 Feelings & Bullying Prevention for Grades 1-2 1:15-2:05 Anxiety for Grades 3-4
Special Education Town Hall with VT Agency of Education 5/27
Special Education Town Hall with the Vermont Agency of Education There are 13,561 K-12 students in Vermont who receive Special Education services, 14,378 when we include early education and enrolled adults who have not received diplomas. Join us in this Town Hall as Jacqui Kelleher, State Director of Special Education with the Vermont Agency of […]
Parent’s Chat & Share: Virtual Get-Together
Join Joanne and Janice Wednesday May 27th from 7 pm - 8 pm for a one hour social get together! Our goal is that this meet-up will be supportive and fun, informal and interactive. We hope you will share what's working (or not), how you are having fun (or not) and whatever else is on […]
Youth Summit Keynote Presentation with Hasan Davis
You’re invited to a “virtual” Youth Summit with dynamic keynote speaker Hasan Davis! This free event was organized by the Youth Advocacy Council and is hosted by Vermont Family Network and Vocational Rehabilitation Vermont. Register here. The keynote presentation is specifically for youth and young adults, and those supporting youth in achieving their hopes […]
Youth Summit Workshop: Finding Your Story with Hasan Davis
You’re invited to a “virtual” Youth Summit with dynamic keynote speaker Hasan Davis! This free event was organized by the Youth Advocacy Council and is hosted by Vermont Family Network and Vocational Rehabilitation Vermont. The keynote presentation (5/28) is specifically for youth and young adults, and those supporting youth in achieving their hopes and dreams […]
Special Education Workshop with the Vermont Agency of Education
The Vermont Youth Advisory Council invites youth and young adults to an interactive workshop with Dr. Jacqueline Kelleher, State Director of Special Education with the Vermont Agency of Education. Student voices are so important to the IEP process! Join Dr. Kelleher and her twin sons, Teagen and Tyler Comeau, for a conversation about being your […]
Youth Summit Workshop: Finding Your Story with Hasan Davis
Free virtual workshop for youth and young adults with dynamic presenter Hasan Davis Every person hopes to become the hero of their own story. For young people experiencing disabilities it can be difficult to own their experience, feel empowered, navigate challenges, and find personal success. Hasan will lead you through exercises sharing his success strategies […]
Town Hall: Update on Covid-19 Emergency Supports for Family Caregivers – New Date 8/26
Families who receive support through Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services, also known as “The Waiver,” for a child or adult with a disability may be are eligible for Covid-19 Emergency Supports as outlined on the DAIL website. Join this webinar for updates about these Emergency Supports. Please send your questions in advance to […]
Sibshop Parent Info Session
There will be a Sibshop Parent Info Session held on Zoom, Sunday Sept 13, 5-5:30 pm, to discuss some of the logistics of the virtual format and allow for Q&A. You will receive a Zoom invite upon registration or request. Register here. Please contact Molly Lawney or call (802) 556-1219 with questions or concerns.
Town Hall: Back to School for K-12 Students in Vermont with Disabilities or Special Health Needs – 9/18
As the new school year begins, families of children with disabilities or special health needs are making hard choices about what works best for their family. There is so much information which changes constantly that it can be hard to keep up with it all. In this Town Hall, we’ll answer some of the most […]