Academy School Puppet Presentation
Kindness & Stress for Grades K-4 Anxiety & Stress Workshop for Grades 5-6
Miller’s Run School Puppet Presentation
Kindness & Stress for Grades PK-4 Anxiety & Stress Workshop for Grades 5-6
Watch: Finding a Summer Camp: There is a camp in New England for every camper!
Watch the recording for "Finding a Summer Camp: There is a camp in New England for every camper!" here. Join us for a presentation and conversation around finding a summer camp. We’ll cover the overall camp experience touching upon the natural connection between camp and school, including how camps can fit into the extended school […]
Derby Elementary School Puppet Presentation
Friend 2 Friend Demystifying Autism
Watch: Learn, Earn, and Prosper (LEAP): Opportunities for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth in Vermont
Watch the recording for "Learn, Earn, and Prosper (LEAP): Opportunities for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth in Vermont" here. LEAP has something for everyone! Join us to hear about the variety of options for work experiences and personal-professional development for blind and visually impaired youth throughout the state. We’ll cover the process of referrals and […]
St. Monica-St. Michael School Puppet Presentation
Kindness & Stress for Grades PK-4 Anxiety & Stress Workshop for Grades 5-6
Boght Hills Elementary School Puppet Presentation
Kindness puppet presentations generously sponsored by DeNooyer Chevrolet
Watch: Services for Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired – What can VABVI provide for My Child?
Watch the recording for "Services for Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired - What can VABVI provide for My Child?" here. In this workshop, parents and professionals will learn about Vermont Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired (VABVI) services for children ages birth through high school graduation. VABVI staff includes Teachers of the […]
Johnson Elementary School Puppet Presentation
Kindness & Stress Programs generously funded by the Vermont Children's Trust Foundation
Skano Elementary School Puppet Presentation
Kindness puppet presentations generously sponsored by Mohawk Chevrolet
Watch: HireAbility VT’s Summer Career Exploration Program!
Watch the recording for "HireAbility VT’s Summer Career Exploration Program!" here. Learn about this summer program that provides work experience and job readiness skills training to students with disabilities. We will share information about who is involved, the impact, and hear directly from a parent and student about their experience with the program. Presenters: Sam […]
The Village School of North Bennington Puppet Presentation
Kindness & Stress AND Abuse Awareness generously sponsored by Bennington Chevrolet